Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cruise for your marriage!

It is really fun to meet someone in person, and then get to know them better via Social Media! I met Michelle Gannon, a licensed psychologist based out of San Francisco a few years ago at a marriage conference. I'm sorry I corrupted her young kids by mentioning the Coke museum (we were in Atlanta) but I did score them some soda and adventures!

Michelle is one of our early Marriage Friendly Therapists and The First Dance therapists. She is the Founder of Marriage Prep 101- Workshops for Engaged, Newlywed and Seriously Dating Couples that she teaches with her husband, Dr Patrick Gannon.

She is active on Twitter and just started a new blog where she discusses relationships and women's issues. Lots of fun topics.

And...if you are not able to travel to San Francisco for their workshops you can join the Gannons on a cruise during Valentine's Day weekend! Sail roundtrip from Miami to colorful Key West, and then beaches of Cozumel while learning how to create the best relationship possible. The coolest thing is this is for ALL couples of all ages and stages so if it sounds romantic and helpful, do sign up! I love talking to Michelle on Twitter and even taught her how to live chat on Facebook. I wish I could go but with two small children and my husbands new marriage counseling practice, the timing won't work out this year.

This is a real couple, full of humor, reality, and are not afraid to talk about their OWN marriage struggles. Do check them out!

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